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EuroFib News
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EuroFib News
available from V7.8.2505
Search for parts of the external voucher number
IBAN verification for SEPA added
(Money transfer)
STS (U30) Form for Austria from 2025
Value added tax return (U1) for Austria 2024
available from V7.8.2502
Intrastat - assign creditor to goods number
(Miscellaneous reports)
Voucher types - regrouped, discountable, delete internal voucher number
(Company index)
Simulate star search by drag & drop from OP screen
(Posting online)
available from V7.8.2450
New open items list debtors with tax code information
(Open items)
Extended search function for booking texts
(Posting online)
New version of Elster 41.2.6 is supported
(STS, Summarised report)
available from V7.8.2446
Clearing - color for allocation amount and force cash discount
(Posting online)
New wage import available - DPW
(Data import/export)
Edit bank statement - simply remove bank details
(Import bank statement)
Entry of Intrastat data for bank statements
(Import bank statement)
Account sheet print for real accounts - addition 1 external voucher number
(Account sheet, Import bank statement)
available from V7.8.2444
Grouping per selection field for special sales list
(Miscellaneous reports)
Display of debtor/creditor information on the open items screen
(Open items)
Subsequent verification of external document numbers
(Miscellaneous reports)
My settings - highlight active field in color, fix booking date
(My settings)
available from V7.8.2440
Account sheet print for general ledger accounts - display of external voucher number
(Account sheet)
Debtors/creditors info on booking mask
(Posting online, Accounts data)
available from V7.8.2439
Clearing mask optimized for multiple assignments
(Import bank statement, Posting online)
New checkbox - fix booking date
(Posting online)
Propose posting date of the next open posting period
(Posting online)
Payment transactions - data export display and check
(Money transfer)
available from V7.8.2434
Voucher tracking from voucher list and online booking possible
(Posting online, Journals)
Programs in reminder - restriction for edit only on request
(Overdue OI invoice, Balance confirmation, Reminder)
available from V7.8.2433
Tax code for down payments with bank statement
(Import bank statement)
Batch description as a parameter for exporting the booking protocol
(Stack posting)
Archiving documents - database instead of file system
available from V7.8.2430
Clearing documents - manual start possible
(Automatic clearing)
Interest on arrears invoice for current account - mail dispatch
(Overdue OI invoice)
Voucher pre-entry - start of value date added
(Overdue OI invoice, Vouchers pre-entry)
available from V7.8.2429
View stacks, edit stacks
(Stack posting)
Restriction by external document number for account sheet and open items
(Account sheet, Open items)
Display of the current balance when searching for accounts
Reminder log per representative by e-mail
Special OI - evaluation after automatic clearing
(Open items)
Voucher tracking - display amount of the posting
(Account sheet, Open items)
available from V7.8.2426
New reminder option - edit e-mail individually
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2023
(Miscellaneous reports)
Voucher list - additional restrictions
Open items screen, new total tab
(Open items)
available from V7.8.2423
Display/scaling optimized
available from V7.8.2421
Apportionment in the same client (in itself) with 13th period possible
available from V7.8.2420
Send export files as e-mail - multiple recipients with semicolon
Create new open items - internal voucher number and assignment number
(Open items)
available from V7.8.2419
New chamber levy (KU1) assessment rates from 01.01.2024 (Austria)
available from V7.8.2418
Posting to closed periods shown in red
(Posting online)
available from V7.8.2417
Automatic formatting of IBAN for own bank accounts
(Money transfer)
available from V7.8.2416
Advanced search for G/L accounts
available from V7.8.2415
Clearing vouchers - restriction account number from/to
(Stack posting)
available from V7.8.2412
Employee mail addresses added to file export print lists
STS 2024 for Hungary
available from V7.8.2411
New input field of non-deductible tax for deduction of tax function
(Automatic postings)
Open PDF immediately after export
Importing batches also possible via drag & drop on batch booking mask
(Stack posting)
available from V7.8.2409
Enter account number - automatic search window
(System, Stack posting)
Path/filename for XML export saved per tax office
Activate/deactivate cash discount deduction for all invoices
(Money transfer)
New Crystal Reports Runtime 13.0.34
Position splitting with optimised process
(Import bank statement)
Value added tax return (U1) for Austria 2023
available from V7.8.2404
New lists for cost types - list per cost centre/cost unit
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
STS (U30) Form for Austria from 2024
available from V7.8.2403
Stack posting - automatic clearing of documents
(Automatic clearing)
New lists for cost centers/cost units - list per cost type
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
Mask for entering budget values optimized
Default options adjusted for newly created users
(My settings)
available from V7.8.2401
New version of Elster 39.2.4 is supported
(STS, Summarised report)
Settings for payment advice for outgoing/incoming payments separated
(Money transfer)
Import payment advice Hagebau via bank statement possible
(Import bank statement)
Selection of views for balance sheet report via report sets
(Miscellaneous reports)
Display documents from MD Premium archive
(Document management system)
Fill existing Excel tables - general optimization
(Data import/export, Special programs)
Clearing - assigning several open items
(Posting online)
available from V7.8.2350
Clearing - calculation aid for created open items
(Posting online)
Clearing - assignment to completed OPs
(Posting online)
Clearing - open items with assignments
(Posting online)
available from V7.8.2349
Evaluation/extension of cost accounting for 13th period
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
available from V7.8.2348
Simple/shorter reminder protocol (A4 portrait)
Display of extended open item information on the open items screen
(Open items)
Incoming/outgoing payments - always select credit notes
(Money transfer)
Outgoing payments - select debtors with direct debit (CORE, B2B)
(Money transfer)
Print name2 of debtors/creditors on various lists
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.8.2347
Open items lists with special account selection
(Open items)
Clearing screen - view/enter/change extended OPO information
(Posting online)
Current net turnover from your customers/suppliers
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.8.2346
Calculation of payment behavior with begin date of due
(Miscellaneous reports)
Special sales list - selection fields added
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.8.2345
Payment modules - fixed allocation of internal voucher number
(Money transfer)
BWA allocation level from/to per formula line
available from V7.8.2341
New type of balance list added - period and cumulative
(Balance lists)
available from V7.8.2340
Import of exchange rates - new source added (CH)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.8.2339
Bank statement - fixed assignment of internal voucher number, entry of external voucher number
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.8.2338
New option - external voucher number per account (only personal accounts)
(Stack posting, Company index)
Import stack - new error protocol
(Stack posting)
available from V7.8.2337
New data export - Abacus XML
(Data import/export)
Default rights for EuroFib user
New salary import - Abacus
(Data import/export)
available from V7.8.2336
Note before posting - open documents exist for transfer to Asset Accounting
(Asset Accounting)
available from V7.8.2335
New function - Tips & Tricks
available from V7.8.2332
Stack posting - no exchange rate search if basic currency and foreign currency amounts exist
(Stack posting)
Program stability generally improved, especially bank statement processing
available from V7.8.2331
Tax office user account data for each EuroFib user (AT)
(My settings)
Extension import DATEV format - salary
(Data import/export, Special programs)
Automatic transfer ebInterface (E-invoice/federal AT)
Save booking - icon and confirmation prompt
(Posting online, My settings)
available from V7.8.2329
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2022
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.8.2328
Add/subtract days for relevant course date
(Company index)
Tolerance for amount determination for bank statements
(Import bank statement)
Add account terms optimized
(Import bank statement)
Warning before payment booking procedure
(Money transfer)
available from V7.8.2324
Input tax refund - new languages added, export UID/tax changed
Delete external voucher number after posting process
(Company index, Posting online)
New bank statement format: HSBC SK (CSV)
(Import bank statement)
Import payment notification in EDI format via bank statement possible
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.8.2323
New icon for monthly factoring
(Automatic postings)
Edit and apply stored selections (filters)
available from V7.8.2321
Input tax refund - language added
Import cash invoices for cash register also via DB table
(Invoice, System)
Automatic for posting retained earnings (profit/loss) at OB
(Automatic postings)
available from V7.8.2317
WYSIWYG export of BWA/Special OI also possible without detail lines
(BWA, Open items)
available from V7.8.2316
Cost unit list detail extended
(Cost unit accounting)
available from V7.8.2313
Display bank statement info incoming/outgoing/balance
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.8.2312
Fallback language for messages and copy function
Sending error messages based on application crash
available from V7.8.2311
Copy internal voucher number to external voucher number field
(Company index, Posting online)
available from V7.8.2310
Voucher number check - trigger time
(Posting online)
Possibility to define the font for printouts
available from V7.8.2308
Cost split revised
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
available from V7.8.2306
Checks for voucher numbers, summary accounts, balances to open items
(Miscellaneous reports)
VAT and control form (URA) for Croatia for 2023
available from V7.7.2305
Templates for cost split
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
Copy user right group programs
(Special programs)
New Raiffeisen Factoring export module available
(Data import/export, Special programs, Special programs)
New format for detail lines of business reports
Display for sending via web service STS (U30) 2023 AT added
available from V7.7.2304
Hide cleared lines of splitted open items
(Open items)
New version of Elster 37.2.6 is supported
(Summarised report, STS)
STS (U30) Form for Austria from 2023
available from V7.7.2301
Entry of the new voucher numbers for invoicing simplified after creating a new year
Display tooltips in result list search document (*-search)
Support ebInterface 6.1 (E-invoice/federal AT)
available from V7.7.2247
Post out open items with archive number
(Open items)
available from V7.7.2245
New report: payment history per open item (when was an invoice paid?)
(Open items)
Bank statement - posting directly from edit screen
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.7.2244
Clearing - sort by amount possible
(Posting online)
available from V7.7.2243
Automatic booking for self consumption (e.g. electric vehicle)
(Automatic postings)
Check account entries for corporation tax declaration (K1) Austria
(Miscellaneous reports)
Transfer selected archive number from Docuware
(Document management system)
OSS (One Stop Shop) corrections possible
Display of total amount for SEPA file creation
(Money transfer)
available from V7.7.2241
Check external document number also for G/L account postings
Copy master data from aliquot module
Standard transfer text per supplier for SEPA payment transactions
(Money transfer)
available from V7.7.2240
Print user rights views
UVA transmission with Elster (DE) also possible for previous years
available from V7.7.2239
Move print lines in BWA scheme definition
Column headers for export definitions
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.7.2237
Tabpage contact persons for debtors/creditors
(Accounts data)
Dissolve/combine open items
(Open items)
available from V7.7.2236
Control of document numbers extended
(Company index)
Clearing - change sort order
(Posting online)
Clearing - discount distribution with CTRL+1 or CTRL+2
(Posting online)
Zip code and city mandatory for NON-SEPA payment transactions
(Money transfer)
available from V7.7.2233
Display and verification of commited bookings
(Journals, System)
available from V7.7.2231
Test for SMTP settings
available from V7.7.2230
Commiting of bookings (unchangeability)
available from V7.7.2229
Total journal - booking information added
available from V7.7.2228
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2021
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.7.2227
Import DATEV format
(Special programs, Data import/export)
available from V7.7.2226
Batch booking time-controlled incl. information by e-mail (SMTP)
(Stack posting)
New menu item "Edit - Import"
(Import bank statement)
New format for import bank statement is available (AMEX CSV)
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.7.2224
Balance sheet previous year comparison with unequal periods
available from V7.7.2220
Stack posting - status colors and PDF protocol
(Stack posting)
Voucher list - print & export added
(Miscellaneous reports, Journals)
BMD Import from NTCS extended - foreign currency
(Data import/export)
Import multiple files to bank statement
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.7.2217
Bank statement protocol from the edit directly
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.7.2213
New role added - bookings from asset accounting to closed periods
(Asset Accounting)
available from V7.7.2212
Search function for standing orders
available from V7.7.2211
Handling bank accounts within bank statement module
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.7.2210
Missing rates for foreign currency evaluation
(Currency translation)
available from V7.7.2209
Parameter %klient for path specification PDF/export to file
(My settings)
Voucher search by amount (#) optimized
available from V7.7.2208
Check IBAN and bank details (whitelist) for Slovakia
(Money transfer)
Search voucher/star search revised
Value added tax return (U1) for Austria 2021
available from V7.7.2207
PDF protocol for stack manage
(Stack posting)
available from V7.7.2206
Creation of STS (JPK-VAT) from 2022 for PL
available from V7.7.2204
Context menu added for edit stack
(Stack posting)
Preview for voucher print added
(Account sheet, Posting online)
Print out of user rights- available voucher type groups
(Special programs)
STS Form for Austria from 2022
available from V7.6.2203
4 decimal digits for tax percentage (Canadian tax rates)
(Company index, STS, STS)
Login tax office with EuroFib internal viewer
New version of Elster 35.2.8 is supported
(STS, Summarised report)
available from V7.6.2150
Extrastat - optional consideration of the tax code
(Miscellaneous reports)
Support ebInterface 6.0 (E-invoice/federal AT)
Logging of basic data changes (history) - bank accounts extended
(Miscellaneous reports, System)
Position split - zero lines are automatically deleted
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.6.2149
New intrastat report from 01.01.2022
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.6.2147
Filename as description for stack on import process
(Stack posting)
available from V7.6.2146
Import of exchange rates - new source added (HU)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2143
Free EuroFib webinar - topic "import bank statements"
available from V7.6.2142
Amazon - posting transaction overview - new format text file V2
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2141
Overview of last bookings extended - archive number
(Posting online)
Tax office payment - type of charge extended (OSS)
(STS, Money transfer)
Check internal voucher number from/to for each voucher type
(Company index)
New report - voucher list
(Journals, Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.6.2136
OSS (One Stop Shop) extended by foreign currency and control list
(STS, Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2135
BMD export - force specific contra account
(Data import/export)
Consider fixed voucher number on import stack
(Stack posting)
available from V7.6.2132
Search routine in bank statement optimized
(Import bank statement)
Backup for importfile bank stattement (e.g. CAMT.053)
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.6.2131
Report unused discount for debtors
(Miscellaneous reports, Open items)
Add archived documents from EuroFib archive for reminders by e-mail
(Document management system, Reminder)
New functionality: last posted contra accounts
(Posting online)
available from V7.6.2130
Import stack - backup MS excel files
(Stack posting)
Address informations for each booking possible
available from V7.6.2126
New opening balance - easier and faster
(Automatic postings)
BMD salary import extended - NTCS with cost split
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2123
Sales tax one stop shop from 01.07.2021
(STS, Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2120
Reminder protocol, settings for accounts and positions
available from V7.6.2119
Tax code proposal from debtor/creditor
(Posting online, Accounts data)
Detailed lines - layout optimized in generator for business reports
available from V7.6.2117
Export/import selection fields values
(Accounts data)
Creation/change accounting year (edit)
(Company index)
available from V7.6.2114
New module available - Import invoices with BMD NTCS Format
(Data import/export, Company index, Company index)
RZL salary import extended (tax)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2112
Calculation of tax amounts for BMD salary import
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2108
4 eyes principle for debtor/creditors basic data
(System, Accounts data)
VAT number for creditors mandatory
(Accounts data)
available from V7.6.2106
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2020
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.6.2105
Text for open items enlarged, additional entry description
(Open items)
Discount period of payment module
(Money transfer)
available from V7.6.2104
Default tabpage for account sheet screen
(Account sheet, My settings)
Check balance structure for general ledger accounts on final balance print
New version of Elster 33.2.4 is supported
STS Form for Austria from 2021
available from V7.6.2101
Salary import from BMD NTCS variable - posting text
(Data import/export)
available from V7.6.2051
Extension of the recurring reports (sets) with userrights roles
(Miscellaneous reports)
Account search by terms - fast linking with cost centre, cost unit, tax code
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.6.2050
New Crystal Reports runtime 13.0.24
available from V7.6.2049
STS total sheet - show recalculation net basis/tax (only for AT)
available from V7.6.2048
New role - mark posting as deleted (own)
Error during drag & drop to payment module fixed
(Money transfer, Open items)
available from V7.6.2044
Journals with restricted access to general ledger accounts
available from V7.4.2042
Cost centre for each branch on general ledger account
(Accounts data)
Cancellation automatic - consideration of cost accounting split
(Posting online)
available from V7.4.2040
Payment module - upload XML file via SFTP
(Money transfer)
Immediate cancellation
(Posting online)
New version of Elster 31.7.8 is supported
available from V7.4.2037
Copy assignment number for split postings
(My settings, Posting online)
Payment proposal, automatic formating IBAN
(Money transfer)
Export with flash symbol - output to file checkbox on print dialog added again
Hungarian summarised report - suspense tax considered
Hungarian summarised report - Protocol
available from V7.4.2036
Correction for STS from 07/2020 (AT)
available from V7.4.2031
Exchange currencies for tax lists extended
available from V7.4.2030
STS Form for Austria from 07/2020
available from V7.4.2029
Export fiscal audit extended (AT)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.4.2028
Article series on social media started - keep informed!
available from V7.4.2027
Hungarian summarised report from 07/2020
Export with flash symbol - removed output to file checkbox on print dialog
available from V7.4.2026
Overview of your last postings extended
(Posting online)
available from V7.4.2025
Creation of STS (JPK-VAT) from 2020 for PL
Account´s description on multi-line protocol
(Stack posting)
available from V7.4.2019
Search for voucher extended by assignment number
(System, Posting online)
update address from accounts basic data in voucher
Transfer invoices - protocol as PDF
New formats for import bank statement are available (AMEX, Paylife)
(Import bank statement)
Import of exchange rates - new source added (PL)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.4.2012
Module "internal further charging" (Intercompany) extended
available from V7.4.2010
EuroFib for Windows webportal
OPZ-STAT-1 yearly (HR)
(Open items)
Import of exchange rates
(Data import/export)
Amazon - booking of settlement report (XML)
(Automatic postings)
New version of Elster 31.5.4 is supported
Encryption XML file from payment module
(Money transfer)
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2019
(Miscellaneous reports)
Protocol for whitelist (PL)
(Money transfer)
available from V7.4.2009
Request Adisreg based on ICO/DIC (CZ)
Virtual splitting of summary accounts on balance list
(Balance lists)
Export for financial auditor Hungary
(Data import/export)
Functionality save/load screen for fc-evaluation available
(Automatic postings)
available from V7.4.2007
New protocol for foreign currency evaluation
(Automatic postings)
Collective orders in CAMT.053
(Import bank statement)
STS Form for Austria from 2020
Priority customers data
(Import bank statement)
TLS 1.2 - webservice transfers Austria (STS/SR/HFU)
available from V7.4.2005
Show documents from a DMS system from "edit stack"
(Document management system)
Basic data list for cost accounting extended
(Basic data lists)
Copy IBAN with clipboard (CTRL+C)
(Accounts data)
available from V7.4.2004
Output to file (file export) - formats updated
(Data import/export)
New user rights - restricted reporting of general ledger accounts
(Special programs)
Principal liability (HFU-list) extended - all active personal accounts
(Money transfer)
available from V7.4.1950
Whitelist Poland
(Money transfer)
available from V7.4.1949
STS form for Slovakia from 2020
available from V7.4.1944
Chamber contribution - setting for each general ledger account, total sheet
Copy banks and bank accounts from one client to another client
(Special programs)
available from V7.4.1943
Summarised report (SR) export for Hungary
(Summarised report)
Drag & drop a booking from booking mask to payments module
(Money transfer)
available from V7.4.1941
FinanzOnline databox - display of PDf files (AT)
available from V7.4.1940
Monthly factoring - cost centre/cost unit inactive - enter a new one
(Automatic postings)
EuroFib archive (EFA) - documents are importable via stacks as well
(Document management system)
New filter option for vouchers of voucher pre-entry
(Vouchers pre-entry)
New list layout for payment proposal (A4 portrait simple)
(Money transfer)
available from V7.4.1939
Reset size and position of all EuroFib windows
Copy a posting easy and fast
(Account sheet, Posting online)
Bank statement protocol - display opening balance and closing balance
(Import bank statement)
Support of database Oracle 18c and Oracle 19c
New control report for summarised report
(Summarised report)
available from V7.4.1937
Protocol for webservice transfers of the STS (AT)
available from V7.4.1936
Program "control voucher numbers" extended
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.4.1931
New module: Ally salary import
(Data import/export)
Print out of user rights- available roles
(Special programs)
available from V7.4.1927
Sort for import files in import stack
(Stack posting)
available from V7.4.1926
EuroFib seminar 2019
Change account lines, change cost accounting values, Differnzen
available from V7.4.1921
New direct PDF export
available from V7.4.1920
Informations on clearing process (multiple allocations)
(Open items)
Copy of balance structure during consolidation
available from V7.4.1919
Change of menu structure for salary imports
(Special programs)
Apportionment - general ledger accounts through selection field
available from V7.4.1916
EuroFib archive (EFA) extended - open document automatically, parameter
(Document management system)
Account search by terms (cost centre, cost unit, tax code), edit next line
(Import bank statement)
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2018
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.4.1915
Open items general ledger accounts - print of cost units descriptions
(Open items)
Imported bank statements for each EuroFib user
(Import bank statement)
PDF protocol for tax office payment
(STS, Money transfer)
available from V7.4.1914
Extensions module balance consolidation
Reminder edit - 2 new infromation icons
available from V7.2.1909
Chamber contribution from 2019 for Austria
Open items print by representative
(Open items)
Export control statement Croatia (URA.xml) added
Import of budget values
Import of apportionment definitions
available from V7.2.1906
Check of balance structure/group structure optimized
available from V7.2.1903
Import for the program "Accounts cost centres"
(Cost center accounting)
New module: Baudat salary import
(Data import/export)
Changes for chamber contribution (KU1) in Austria
(STS, Accounts data, Company index)
STS Form for Austria from 2019
New version of Elster 29.2.6 is supported
available from V7.2.1848
Create exchange rate on clearing process
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1845
EuroFib archive (EFA) - document per posting
(Document management system)
XML file for tax office payment
(Money transfer)
EuroFib version 7.4. - important information
available from V7.2.1844
OI print - in the payment module selected positions bold
(Money transfer, Open items)
Import stack on user level possible
(Stack posting)
STS Form for Poland from 07/2018
available from V7.2.1841
BMD salary import - variable structure added
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1839
Limit for apportionment procedure (direct)
available from V7.2.1838
Final balance with setting for cost centre/cost unit
(Automatic postings, Accounts data)
available from V7.2.1836
Principal liability (HFU-list) extended - social security number
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
available from V7.2.1835
New VAT-check (for AT)
(Summarised report, Accounts data)
available from V7.2.1831
Stack posting - cost centre/cost unit inactive
(Stack posting)
BMD export NTCS general ledger accounts
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1830
Account lists, date of the last posting
(Miscellaneous reports, Special programs)
available from V7.2.1825
New safety certification for FinanzOnline (AT)
Special journal for SOX audit
Check of ordered goods - assignment to incoming invoice
available from V7.2.1822
Balance strucutre/group strucutre - mandatory on real accounts
(Accounts data, Balance)
Exclude debtors/creditors from automatic clearing process
(Automatic clearing)
Detail certificate on summarised report - summary of split postings
(Summarised report)
available from V7.2.1819
Reminder management - new sub module for discount reminders available
Zero report for STS in Germany (Elster) possible
Import of postings from MS Excel with costsplit
(Data import/export)
Check for cost centres in cost centre groups
(Cost center accounting)
DSGVO - protocol & print basic data
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1813
Search (F3) for customer group
(Accounts data, Open items)
BMD salary import - new type NTSC with headings
(Data import/export)
Split VAT for Romania
available from V7.2.1808
Reminders by e-mail: additional addresses from level, parameter for body/text
Suspense tax reposting - linking tax codes
(Company index, Automatic postings)
New version of Elster is supported
available from V7.2.1805
Corporation tax declaration (K1) for Austria from 2017
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1804
STS Form for Slovakia from 2018
Display voucher in DMS from posting online (green lines)
(Document management system, Posting online)
Data import BMD salary changed (from 2018 before NTCS, salary type 4-digits)
(Data import/export)
STS Form for Austria from 2018
Sales tax summary + summarised report (HR 2018)
(STS, Summarised report)
available from V7.2.1803
Extension for data import from blue office order management
(Data import/export)
New standard - 5% maximum discount
(Accounts data, System)
Extension of the recurring reports (sets) with balance printout
(Miscellaneous reports)
Tax amount on imported bank statements
(Import bank statement)
Import for selection fields real accounts added
(Accounts data)
Exchange rates program revised
(Currency translation, Company index)
available from V7.2.1750
Preview for stack postings
(Stack posting)
Import final balance postings from tax accountant (RZL)
(Data import/export)
VAT-check level 2 - replied address in additional window
(Accounts data)
Monthly factoring and direct posting to tax account with tax code within bank statement
(Import bank statement)
Voucher search (*-search) - print out functions and contra account added
Entry of deviant discount basis and deviant discount amount
(Company index, Open items, Posting online)
Special list of sales - e.g. list of sales with net amounts
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1747
Tax office basic data - new design
(Company index)
available from V7.2.1746
Module views for balance and stack posting extended
available from V7.2.1745
Account search by terms - higher priority than bank account
(Import bank statement)
Account lists, creation date to & balance 0 added
(Miscellaneous reports, Special programs)
available from V7.2.1744
New module - data import DVO salary
(Data import/export)
Extension of the recurring reports (sets) with user rights printout
(Miscellaneous reports)
Suggestion of the last used period
Extensions data import BMD salary, NTCS
(Data import/export)
Extension data import RZL salary, tax and direct posting
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1740
New role - change archive number afterwards
(Special programs, Document management system)
Change in control statement (STS CZ) - tax number
available from V7.2.1739
Bank accounts basic data - Copy function
(Money transfer)
Creation of archive number - year of voucher date (YYYY)
(Document management system, Company index)
available from V7.2.1738
Stack manage - search for specific stack number
(Stack posting)
Bank statement protocol - print out discount amount
(Import bank statement)
Refresh screen report
(Account sheet, Open items, Balance lists)
available from V7.2.1737
Printout of the user rights always incl. "Default"
(Special programs)
New sorting of bank details from debtors/creditors
(Accounts data)
Search function in "Edit stack"
(Stack posting)
Printer selection for automatic voucher print
(Company index)
Import of the electronic bank statement (CAMT.053) optimized
(Import bank statement)
Confirmation of multiple UID numbers optimized
(Summarised report)
available from V7.2.1735
Accounting years optimized
(Company index)
New information in address record - legal entity identifier (LEI)
(Company index)
available from V7.2.1729
New import-interface for blue office order management available
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1726
Create standing orders - service date/posting date
available from V7.2.1723
Corporation tax declaration (K1 Austria)
(Miscellaneous reports)
Functionality "save/load screen" for clearing cash vouchers available
(Automatic clearing)
E-mail from EuroFib with SMTP
(System, Special programs)
available from V7.2.1719
Enter vouchers in closed accounting periods
(Invoice, Special programs)
Protocol for access to menu items extended
(Special programs)
available from V7.2.1717
Display voucher in DMS from posting line
(Document management system)
available from V7.2.1716
Extensions for monthly factoring - checks and new protocol
(Automatic postings)
Reminder protocol extended - print out of extended OI-info
available from V7.2.1715
Control voucher numbers, restriction on voucher date
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1712
Display of amounts on STS transfer 2017 as XML to tax office directly
Copy from/to client - basic data for Hungarian summarised report
(Special programs)
available from V7.2.1710
BWA report revised
available from V7.2.1707
Composite tax rate
available from V7.2.1706
New setting - display of split posting with star (*)
(Account sheet, My settings)
available from V7.2.1704
SEPA - rulebook 7 available
(Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1703
Print balance confirmation as PDF
(Balance confirmation)
STS Form for Austria from 2017
available from V7.2.1701
Negative switch for each account or for each strucutre
New assets analysis RÄG 2014 added
(Asset Accounting)
2 new stack types added
(Stack posting)
Display voucher in DMS from monthly factoring postings
(Document management system, Automatic postings)
Voucher number assignment for invoice module optimized
Journal print out - postings manually or from stack
available from V7.2.1649
Send report-sets by e-mail
(Miscellaneous reports)
Menu item change - stack options
(Stack posting)
Price calculation on copy/cancel voucher
Display of open items
(Open items)
Simplified mask for create vouchers
available from V7.2.1647
Useful life on sub no.
(Asset Accounting)
Depreciation on buildings from 01.01.2016
(Asset Accounting)
Monthly factoring - entry of basic data easier
(Automatic postings)
Account sheet Total - new columns service date
(Account sheet)
Clearing - sort for posting text
(Company index, Posting online)
available from V7.2.1646
Liability report with months + integration in recurring reports (sets)
(Open items)
New version of Elster is supported
available from V7.2.1645
Automatic new number for vouchers pre-entry
(Vouchers pre-entry)
Automatic new number for debtors/creditors
(Accounts data)
Display of a split posting with star (*)
(Account sheet)
New UID status on debtors/creditors
(Accounts data)
available from V7.2.1644
Support of the new tax office webservices (STS, SR, UID check)
(Company index, STS, Summarised report)
Change cost accounting in closed periods
(Special programs)
Accounts data - account will be loaded immediately
(Accounts data)
Refresh within the info window
(My settings, Miscellaneous reports)
Coin list on cash sale protocol
Icon for new entry with new number automatically
(Special programs)
available from V7.2.1643
New module: monthly factoring
(Automatic postings)
Update form EuroFib directly - special right (role) necessary
Accrual for discounts - customer group
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1642
Real accounts data - fixed tax codes underlined
(Basic data lists)
available from V7.2.1641
E-mail information for logged in users
available from V7.2.1639
Parameter for file name on "Create File"
(Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1638
Archiving of UID level 2 protocol
(Company index, Accounts data)
available from V7.2.1635
Change contra account afterwards
(Account sheet, Posting online)
Search voucher (*-search) with more than 8 digits
Shortcut for change client
available from V7.2.1629
Position split in edit process extended
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1628
EuroFib seminar 2016
Individual view of the account sheet
(Account sheet)
available from V7.2.1623
New module: due soon
EuroNews overview with hyperlinks
Summarised report as XML file (CZ)
(Summarised report)
Restriction of voucher types for each user
(Posting online, Stack posting, System)
available from V7.2.1622
Voucher type - choise of tax codes
(Company index)
available from V7.2.1620
Account sheet - search for posting text
(Account sheet)
Suggestion on clearing process optimized
(Posting online)
Text for payments postings
(Money transfer)
Invoice - voucher journal + number of prints
available from V7.2.1618
New program: repost according to service date
(Automatic postings)
Automatic clearing of cash vouchers - clearing extended
(Automatic clearing)
available from V7.2.1617
New module: Allowances
(Open items)
Financial audit AT - selection of the tax office
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1615
Accrual for discount
(Miscellaneous reports)
Balance Switzerland - income statement
Cancel voucher - display of icon
available from V7.2.1614
Functionality "save/load screen" for ABC-analysis available
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1613
New function: recurring reports (sets)
(Miscellaneous reports)
New MT940 import format - Sberbank CZ (ABO Format)
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1612
New MT940 import format - Erste Bank CZ
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1611
New module available: cash register
Right for invoice transfer
available from V7.2.1610
Check of the accounts within a BWA-scheme extended (selection fields)
available from V7.2.1608
Mark posting as deleted - voucher number minus 1
(Posting online, Account sheet)
available from V7.2.1607
Account sheet/Open items with restrictions
(Account sheet, Open items, Posting online, System)
available from V7.2.1605
Logging of basic data changes (history) extended for real accounts
(Miscellaneous reports, System)
Calculation of pre-balance with restrictions
(Account sheet)
New module: SWS import salary
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1604
Update from EuroFib directly
Edit bank statement - cost centre/cost unit on debtor/creditor
(Import bank statement)
Consider customers data on SEPA (RB6)
(Money transfer, Import bank statement)
Display of the opening balance on account sheet screen
(Account sheet)
New import interface for Diamant-Software
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1603
Functionality "save/load screen" for reminder protocol available
SEPA for Slovakia
(Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1601
Balance/P&L for each real account
(Balance lists, Cost unit accounting, Cost center accounting, Accounts data, Company index)
Entry of alternative discount basis
(Posting online, Company index)
Assignment of colors for reminder levels
available from V7.2.1551
Voucher number control extended
(Company index)
Fix tax code for each real account
(Stack posting, Posting online, Accounts data)
Debit/credit in position split on imported bank statements
(Import bank statement)
Control statement CZ from 01.01.2016
available from V7.2.1550
New version of Elster is supported
Intrastat report from EuroFib
(STS, Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1549
CAMT.053 - two new options for customer´s data
(Import bank statement)
Extended search for cost units
(Cost unit accounting)
available from V7.2.1548
Legislative changes in Croatia from 01.01.2016
(Special programs, Posting online, Account sheet, Journals, Company index)
available from V7.2.1544
STS Form for Austria from 2016
Sort in search window
available from V7.2.1543
Direct entry of cost centre for each invoice position
Choise of cost centre/cost unit with F3/F4 for each line
available from V7.2.1542
Check of UID numbers on active/inactive accounts
(Accounts data, Summarised report)
Checkbox for the print out of line number
available from V7.2.1539
New search parameter for import bank statement
(Import bank statement)
Data import Microlohn extended
(Special programs, Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1538
Module vouchers pre-entry extended
(Vouchers pre-entry, Company index)
Total accounts on copy process of debtors/creditors
(Special programs, System)
available from V7.2.1537
Voucher types, new settings for internal voucher number + amount
(Stack posting, Posting online, Company index)
available from V7.2.1536
Automatic archiving for interest on arrears module
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V7.2.1533
Copy tax code on split posting
(My settings, Posting online)
View of the posting line revised
(Account sheet, Posting online)
available from V7.2.1531
Define your own exports also for account sheet/journal
(System, Account sheet, Journals)
Roll of coins added to coin list
Logging of basic data changes (history) revised
(System, Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1530
Lenth of username extended
available from V7.2.1529
Check mandatory input of cost centre/cost unit in invoice module
New module: data export to Klinger software
(Data import/export)
available from V7.2.1528
Final balance statement by days
Banks basic data - new design
(Money transfer)
Detailed view positions, copy voucher without address
(Company index, Invoice)
available from V7.2.1527
Fix print out of reminders from defined level
BWA report - insert line
available from V7.2.1526
Change client with open windows
available from V7.2.1524
Recurring entries - recalculate cost-split
(Stack posting)
Description cost centre/cost unit as tooltip on account sheet
(Account sheet)
available from V7.2.1520
Browse through accounting years on balance list
(Balance lists)
available from V7.2.1519
Enter net days on partition OI
(Open items)
Search for addresses with Google maps
Search for amount (#)
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1518
Share recurring entries with other users
(Stack posting)
Display of bank information
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1517
Print out of reminders with right mouse button
available from V7.2.1513
Creation of MOSS report (mini one stop shop) for Slovakia
available from V7.2.1512
Browse through accounting years
(Account sheet)
Individual column header
available from V7.2.1511
New voucher journals
Search for posting text within cash entry
Principal liability - HFU-list online check
(Money transfer)
New version of Elster is supported
available from V7.2.1509
EuroFib seminar 2015
STS Form for Austria from 2015
Year dependent voucher numbers
(Stack posting, Posting online, Company index, Asset Accounting)
New function: define your own exports
Pre balance for cash entry
Usermanagement, roles with detailed view
(Special programs)
New module: TDS import salary
(Data import/export)
Balance list revised, select accounting year
(Balance lists)
available from V7.2.1506
Additional informations as tooltip on account sheet/open items
(Account sheet, Open items)
available from V7.2.1504
Creation of MOSS report (mini one stop shop)
Mark open items with allocation bold on reminder protocol
Mandatory entry of archive number during stack posting
(Special programs, Stack posting)
available from V7.2.1450
BMD export - new version NTCS
(Data import/export)
Payback of input tax extended by attachment
available from V7.2.1448
New column voucher date added to search window
(Vouchers pre-entry)
available from V7.2.1446
Technical restrictions from FinanzOnline AT (webservices)
(Summarised report, STS, Accounts data, Company index)
STS croatia - XML file
IBAN-entry optically splitted (4 digits)
(Accounts data)
Search for posting text with F3 in cash module
Recurring entries - cost account extended
(Stack posting)
Print open vouchers from administration of assets
(Asset Accounting)
available from V7.2.1444
Sheet of basic data extended
(Asset Accounting)
Entry of the date for take over data
(Asset Accounting)
Administration of assets extended
(Asset Accounting)
Calculatory monthly Splitting - calculation optimized
(Asset Accounting)
Copy assets optimized
(Asset Accounting)
STS - create only XML-file possible
available from V7.2.1440
New version of Elster is supported
New STS form for CZ (2014)
Clear open items during the payment process
(Money transfer, Open items)
available from V7.2.1438
Delete the payment selection after posting process
(Money transfer)
Remove open items from payment process
(Money transfer, Posting online, Open items)
New report - not used discount
(Open items)
New tabpage payments on open items screen
(Money transfer, Open items)
Post out exchange rate differences from OI-screen
(Open items)
available from V7.2.1436
Payments: menu changed, processes extended
(Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1433
OI multi selection and transfer to payments
(Open items, Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1430
New STS formular for Poland (2014)
New format CAMT.053 (instead of MT940)
(Import bank statement)
Print out open items - single accounts and groups
(Open items)
Edit with multiselection
(Money transfer)
available from V7.2.1429
Entry of UID number for not EU-members
(Accounts data)
New module: LGA import salary
(Data import/export)
Print out account sheets - single accounts and groups
(Account sheet)
New OI report: creditors paid too late
(Open items)
available from V7.2.1427
Post out tax accounts on STS
(STS, Company index)
Check all VAT-numbers
(Summarised report)
Edit - messages from debtors/creditors
(Import bank statement)
Save selections (filter)
available from V7.2.1421
Post out amounts from open items
(Open items)
available from V7.2.1420
Vouchers pre-entry with assignment number
(Vouchers pre-entry)
available from V7.2.1418
Export PDF and e-mail from orders
available from V7.2.1416
Switch from open items to account sheet (multi-year)
(Account sheet, Open items)
Development of balance completely revised
(Miscellaneous reports)
Clearing in import bank statement edit program optimized
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.2.1415
Edit stack, icon for new debtors/creditors
(Stack posting)
available from V7.2.1414
Export of reports from EuroFib extended/revised
available from V7.2.1413
Creation of e-invoice for the federation
Dissolve input/turnover tax optimized
(Dissolving taxes)
Stack posting - check cost accounting
(Stack posting)
Optimizing performance of Oracle database
Repost prepayment improved/extended
(Dissolving taxes)
available from V7.2.1410
Readonly mode for real accounts
(System, Accounts data)
BWA - definition scheme revised, XML export
Vouchers pre-entry extended
(Vouchers pre-entry, Posting online)
Search for vouchers optimized
(Posting online, Open items, Account sheet)
available from V7.2.1407
Clear open items directly
(Open items)
Attached sheet for SEPA
(Money transfer)
Automatic archiving for invoice module
New version of Elster 19.3.2 is supported
New STS formular for Croatia (2014)
available from V7.2.1404
Dissolve exchange rate differences allowed
(Open items)
Usage of inactive articles on orders
Debtor/creditor banks, SEPA-fields added to the interface
(Stack posting)
available from V7.2.1402
Modify the search windows individually
Tax totals on overview journal as own PDF file
VAT number for each voucher in invoice module
available from V7.2.1350
New SEPA-guide online
(Money transfer)
Choose bank connection in online posting with IBAN
(Posting online)
Information overview reminder update
New control list for mandate management
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
Debit/Credit difference on recurring entries and edit stack
(Stack posting)
Rights administration - programs revised
(Special programs)
available from V7.2.1348
New limit for deductable depreciation
(Asset Accounting)
Change of useful life only for a specific evaluation reserve or without
(Asset Accounting)
SEPA - new functionality
(Money transfer)
Information overview reminder
Recurring entries, inactive postings
(Stack posting)
New options for suggestion of mandats reference
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
Payments, selection for cost unit
(Money transfer)
Copy recurring entries
(Stack posting)
Liability report, selection voucher number
(Open items)
available from V7.2.1345
STS Form for Austria from 2014
Save from path/filename for file creation
(Money transfer)
Extrastat control list - print out of period from/to
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.2.1341
Check aviso print out before posting
(Money transfer)
Suggestion of the bank on split postings
(Posting online)
Calculation of IBAN added
(Money transfer)
New functionality - Recurring entries
(Stack posting)
External voucher number as mandatory field
(Posting online, Company index)
available from V7.1.1339
Edit stack revised
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1338
EuroFib seminar 2013 in Vienna
New summarised report form for Croatia added (from 07/2013)
(Summarised report)
Cost-split on edit stack added
(Stack posting)
Protocol from bank statement with extended posting text
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.1.1336
Print out accounting voucher
(Posting online, Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1335
Automatic archiving of STS
(STS, Company index)
available from V7.1.1334
Check of payment terms for stack postings
(Stack posting)
Archiving of documents
(Money transfer, Balance confirmation, Reminder, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1333
Print out of user rights extended
(Special programs)
available from V7.1.1332
Filliing selection fields for each account category
(Company index, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1330
Print out/export balance list from screen mask
(Balance lists)
New STS form for Croatia from 07/2013
Print out of user rights
(Special programs)
Split of open items (e.g. deferred payment)
(Open items)
Edit of the payback of input tax simplified
Extension of aviso print out
(Money transfer)
available from V7.1.1327
New choice for detailed certificate of summarised report (without details)
(Summarised report)
Cost centres Single postings revised
(Cost center accounting)
Account sheet for more than one year
(Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1325
Print out/export open items from screen mask
(Open items)
available from V7.1.1323
Filter for print out account sheet real accounts available
(Account sheet)
Print out/export account sheet from screen mask
(Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1322
Selection for posting process extended
(Asset Accounting)
Undo posting batch extended
(Asset Accounting)
Legislation Slovakia from 2012 implemented
(Asset Accounting)
Reports harmonized and improved
(Asset Accounting)
Development assets, text overflow
(Asset Accounting)
available from V7.1.1321
European VAT-number
(Summarised report, Accounts data)
Extension of balance confirmation module
(Balance confirmation)
Sorting within edit screen considered
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V7.1.1317
Extension of reminder management
available from V7.1.1316
Protocol-Export for Banks (debtors/creditors)
(Stack posting)
Check of e-mail addresses
(Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1313
Stack posting - export of protocols
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1311
Stack posting NEW
(Stack posting, My settings)
available from V7.1.1310
Print out from screen reports (print out mask)
Readonly mode for debotrs/creditors or bank basic data
(System, Accounts data)
IBAN - calculation and conversion
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1309
Modification service: Change account numbers
(Special programs)
New design for tax types/tax codes
(Company index)
E-Mail from EuroFib with MS-Outlook-signature
available from V7.1.1308
Link to DMS from bank basic data of debtors/creditors
(Document management system, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1307
Reporting obligation - 2 mio HUF tax (Hungary)
Elster - electronic tax return for Germany
(Summarised report, STS)
RSS Feeds for EuroFib news available
available from V7.1.1306
Std. FINA format (HR) - import only from basic currency positions
(Import bank statement)
STS form for Austria from 2013
available from V7.1.1304
STS 2013 Hungary - XML export
available from V7.1.1303
Refund of input VAT - File open added
available from V7.1.1250
Calculation of IBAN for AT/HR
(Money transfer)
New functionality - refund of input VAT
available from V7.1.1249
Export client - zip and upload automatically
(System, Data import/export)
WYSIWYG export for multiple accounts
(Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1248
Liability report, sum for each contra account
(Open items)
Save/load screen functionality extended
Account lists, Acc. without postings - period from/to added
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.1.1247
Import of data from Excel - XLSM files
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1246
Calculation of payment performance extended
(Miscellaneous reports)
Edit stack for cost types, cost centres, cost units
(Stack posting)
Lock fields for import stack
(Stack posting)
Automatic import of languages
available from V7.1.1245
IBAN/BIC added in finding for bank accounts
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.1.1244
Print out of user on coin list
available from V7.1.1241
Export format for Excel 2010
(Data import/export)
Tabpage banks of debtors/creditors changed
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1240
Convert of IBAN/BIC
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
New module: RZA import salary
(Data import/export)
available from V7.1.1239
Security question, change basic data
(Accounts data)
Stack management
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1237
Communication with financial online portal (Austria)
(Summarised report, STS, Company index)
Overwrite exportfiles automatically
(My settings)
available from V7.1.1235
Cash module - entry of voucher date possible
Excel export WYSIWYG revised
(Data import/export)
Update EuroFib license from application/website
available from V7.1.1233
Design of print outs in format A4 portrait
available from V7.1.1231
Accept changes within user rights
(Special programs)
Change account lines, add cost accounting value afterwards
(Account sheet, Posting online, System)
Link, account sheet screen to assets queries
(Account sheet, Asset Accounting)
Last voucher number max. 8 digits
(Company index)
Extrastat, parameter for period in filename
(Miscellaneous reports)
Numerous programs modernized (GRID, buttons)
available from V7.1.1227
Edit - display of bank informations
(Import bank statement)
Preview after print out
available from V7.1.1225
Display of counter claim on OI-Screen
(Open items)
New import bank statement format for Croatia (Std. FINA)
(Import bank statement)
Second textline for BWA-Print out
available from V7.1.1221
Credit insurance list - total per credit insurance
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V7.1.1219
New service - EuroNews in EuroFib for Windows
available from V7.1.1218
Display of external voucher number in edit screen
(Money transfer)
available from V7.1.1216
Advanced payment - only active bank accounts for recipient
(Money transfer)
Settings for sort/display for clearing screen from voucher type
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.1.1215
Informations of debtors/creditors
(Open items, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1214
Fixed accounts extended
(Company index)
available from V7.1.1213
Own structurenumber for print out
available from V7.1.1211
New STS formular for Croatia from 03/2012
available from V7.1.1210
Print out of views/branches on reports
(System, My settings)
Display of voucher number within info window
(Miscellaneous reports, My settings)
New graphic for development of balance
(Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1208
Postal addresses for debtors/creditors
(Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1207
Additional print out of subsequent reports added
Display for selection of clients (access rights)
available from V7.1.1206
New data import module for travel expenses from Sage/DPW
(Data import/export)
Change accountlines, display of transfer to DMS
(Account sheet, Posting online)
available from V7.1.1205
Interest invoice (OI) with Crystal Reports
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V7.1.1204
Special balance list via Crystal Reports available
(Balance lists)
New menu for database administrator
Search function for vouchers extended
(Account sheet, Open items, Posting online)
available from V7.1.1203
Liability report- new list type
(Open items)
Change accountlines revised
(Posting online, Account sheet)
Version informations revised
available from V7.1.1202
New STS-formulars for 2012 available (AT, SK)
New module "branches" available
Options for interests/arrears account current extended
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V7.1.1150
Close accounting years for assets accounting
(Company index, Asset Accounting)
Parameter for period in filename, export to XML
(Summarised report)
Functionality "save/load screen" on additional cost accounting screens available
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
available from V7.1.1148
Parameter for period in XML filename
Accounting years, automatic creation and browse functionality
(Company index)
Balance structure, change of the number and automatic assignment
Positions with amount 0 will not be posted
available from V7.1.1147
Default setting for cost centre/cost unit for each class of accounts
(Company index)
List of all used country codes
(Company index)
Extension dataimport DPW salary
(Data import/export)
available from V7.1.1145
Verification of VAT-numbers (level 1 and level 2)
(Accounts data, Summarised report)
available from V7.1.1144
Liability report, customer group added
(Open items)
Compensation, Assignment of partial sums
(Open items)
SEPA payment transactions available
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
available from V7.1.1143
Background color of the application for each client.
Recalculation within the entry of budget
Modification service for real accounts setting (cost centre/cost unit)
(Special programs)
available from V7.1.1142
Handling of cent differences on incoming invoices
New restriction options for invoice-transfer added
available from V7.1.1141
New div. parameter - posting text
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.1.1138
Split of vouchers (split of positions) completely revised
(Asset Accounting)
New module "Views" available
New password policies added (Options logon)
available from V7.1.1136
Functionality "save/load screen" in additional programs available
Report "unjustified discount" extended
(Open items)
available from V7.1.1135
Import of cost types via MS Excel added
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1134
New formats for Slovakia added
(Import bank statement)
Cost centre/cost unit from real account not applied correctly
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1133
New STS formular for CZ from 2011 available
(Company index, STS)
Setting for default-codepage on import stack
(Special programs, Stack posting)
Import real accounts (RT01) via ASCII-interface extended
(Stack posting)
available from V7.1.1132
Address record completely revised (accounting years new)
(Company index)
Additional field on tax accounts for STS reports added
(STS, Company index)
available from V7.1.1131
New format MT940 for Germany added
(Import bank statement)
Online verification of UID numbers (level 1) changed
(Summarised report)
available from V7.1.1129
New import interface for GDI (ERP software)
(Data import/export)
available from V7.1.1128
Total and autom. OI clearing with OI-text for real accounts
(Automatic clearing, Open items)
available from V7.1.1127
Error message on postings with more than 9999 net days
(Stack posting)
Support for new email client: Lotus Notes
(Reminder, Balance confirmation)
available from V7.1.1126
Tax codes for each voucher type
(Stack posting, Posting online, Company index)
Information for each open item extended
(Open items)
available from V7.1.1124
New tabpage archive
(Document management system, Account sheet)
available from V7.1.1123
Balancing of open items (compensation)
(Open items)
Balance confirmations via Crystal Reports and e-mail
(Balance confirmation)
Summarised report with sub companies
(Summarised report)
available from V7.1.1122
Create invoices for integrated invoice module from interests/arrears OI
(Invoice, Overdue OI invoice)
Error message on dissolve of an OI with generated tax posting
(Open items)
available from V7.1.1121
New format "Amazon settlement report"
(Import bank statement)
available from V7.1.1119
Customer´s data on advance payments
(Money transfer)
Cost unit as posting text on transfer of invoices
Check prices from goods of invoice module
(Project accounting)
available from V7.1.1113
Handling of terms of payment
(Stack posting)
Alternative posting date
available from V7.1.1112
Number of years for OI-search on automatic clearance
(Import bank statement)
PDF export for AllVouchers-Print
available from V7.1.1111
Reset of saved window sizes
available from V7.1.1110
New STS formular for Austria from 01/2011
(Company index, STS)
available from V7.1.1109
Protocol - total per group
(Project accounting)
Headline corrected - "receiving cost unit"
available from V7.1.1108
Deactivate employees
(Project accounting)
Activate/deactivate allocation keys
Additional informations/additional fields
available from V6.4.1107
Default setting for debit/credit on real accounts
(Accounts data, Posting online)
Advice for missing STS sums
available from V6.4.1106
OI real accounts,restriction for posting date from/to
(Open items)
Copy voucher types
(Company index)
available from V6.4.1103
Special status
(Open items)
available from V6.4.1102
Change article numbers
Access from cost accounting to archiving added
(Document management system, Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
New handling on transfer of cost centres/cost units (only V7)
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.1101
New STS formular for Slowakia from 2011
(Stack posting)
Copy value from/to
(My settings, System)
Automatic FTP-download from batch files
(Stack posting)
Consideration of a manual pagebreak
available from V6.4.1050
Templates for certain business transactions (e.g. cash sales)
available from V6.4.1047
Postings on foreign currency accounts without foreign currency
(Stack posting)
Customer/article statistic, voucher journal extended
Export Intermarket with foreign currency
(Data import/export, Special programs)
Insert values into existing Excel tables - number of sheets increased
(Special programs, Data import/export)
Search for customer number
(System, Posting online)
Exclude vouchers types on interests/arrears account current
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V6.4.1045
Possibilty to check entry of cost centres
available from V6.4.1042
Main menu changed, basic data for banks
(Import bank statement, Money transfer)
Excel export WYSIWYG adapted (only V7)
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.1040
Open items, restriction external voucher number from/to
(Overdue OI invoice)
Search for article - display of expense/revenue account
Change password during next login
(My settings)
available from V6.4.1039
New date field "valid from" added to "Deduction of tax"
(STS, Company index)
Assignment of vouchers with suspense tax
(Posting online, Open items)
available from V6.4.1037
Automatic jump to the first row on screen reports fixed
available from V6.4.1036
Liability report, translation to foreign currency
(Open items)
available from V6.4.1033
Detail certificate, sum for each tax type
(Summarised report)
Unjustified discount for creditors too
(Open items)
available from V6.4.1031
New STS form for austria from 07/2010
(Company index, STS)
Suspense tax, no suggestion on invoice date from/date of payment from
(Automatic postings, Dissolving taxes)
available from V6.4.1030
Check on file export
Selection on print out of open items extended
(Open items)
Logo added on interests/arrears OI
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V6.4.1026
New roles for create user and rights administration added
Clearing by voucher date added
(Automatic clearing)
available from V6.4.1025
Basic data lists extended
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
Error on "Copy from/to client" fixed
(Special programs)
available from V6.4.1024
Translate EuroFib for Windows within the application
Option on postings without cost centres/cost units
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
available from V6.4.1023
Add terms for an account from the edit screen
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.1019
MS-Excel, new record types for debitor/creditor banks added
(Stack posting)
External basic data: goods extended
Suggestion EuroFib user as employee
Purchase price for each article added
available from V6.4.1018
Selection, voucher number from/to
(Money transfer)
Orders - employee
Headline on print out of P&L for cash basis accounting
Save/load screen, WYSIWYG-export, navigation menu (V7)
available from V6.4.1017
Customer´s data on voucher types with option "clear OI"
(Money transfer)
Staggered prices added
Weight, incoterms and external order data added
available from V6.4.1016
Sort for the protocol added
(Project accounting)
Liability report, export to MS-Excel with 10 columns + customer no.
(Open items)
available from V6.4.1015
Customer groups, article groups and external basic data: goods added
Remote control with FastViewer - new menu item
Overview - access of the users to menu items
available from V6.4.1013
Check of archived vouchers within ELO/DocuWare
(Document management system)
Automatic change of the VAT-number for each posting
(Summarised report, Accounts data)
Protocol, sum per cost unit
(Project accounting)
available from V6.4.1011
Check the length of cost units possible
(Cost unit accounting)
Summarised report for hungary available
(Summarised report)
Print out of customer´s data (payments) on OI-list
(Open items)
Increments on split posting
(Posting online)
Several increments within the history (loggin of changes)
(System, Miscellaneous reports)
available from V6.4.1009
Gross amounts added
Payments with customer´s data
(Money transfer)
available from V6.4.1008
Incoming sales/invoices ledger, extended MS-excel files
Sort by matchcode added, restriction posting date
(Open items)
STS by accounts, display of negative amounts not correct
available from V6.4.1007
Don´t display balance structure on balance zero
available from V6.4.1006
Restriction service date from/to possible
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.1005
New croatian STS form available
Specifications incl. check for selection fields debitors/creditors added
(Accounts data)
New module available: Project accounting/Time sheet
(Project accounting)
available from V6.4.1003
Translation of field assignment number
Incoming sales/invoices ledger, retrieve voucher types
available from V6.4.1002
Automatic clearing on stack posting for each voucher type
(Stack posting, Company index)
available from V6.4.1001
New options for repost suspense tax
(Company index, Automatic postings)
Proposal of posting text on search for external voucher number
(Posting online)
Display/print out of the VAT-number/tax number/tax number 2
(Open items, Account sheet)
Selection of the tax type for the print-out (only hungary)
(Summarised report)
Cash templates, fixing of account and incoming/outgoing
Export balance structure to MS Excel
available from V6.4.951
Formular print out for VAT-number request from customers
(Summarised report)
Delete not used country codes automatically
(Special programs)
Copy from/to client, repost suspense tax added
(Special programs)
Copy rights from an existing user to another user
(System, Special programs)
available from V6.4.950
Rights administration - new role "delete client/accounting year" in V7 added
(System, Special programs)
Single voucher will be displayed automatically after search
available from V6.4.949
Rights administration revised
(System, Special programs)
Liability report, print info
(Open items)
available from V6.4.948
VAT number on each posting
(Summarised report, Stack posting, Posting online)
Payback of credit balance
(STS, Company index)
Design of tabpage "banks" on debtors/creditors has been changed
(Accounts data)
Page per account on debtors/creditors added
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.947
New program: Delete accounts without postings
(Special programs)
Interests/arrears open items, period to as posting/printing date
(Overdue OI invoice)
Increments on stack import from MS Excel
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.946
Copy from/to client, selection of multiple clients
(Special programs)
New shortcut CTRL+A for preview has been added
Confirmation of VAT numbers revised completely
(Summarised report)
Control sum calculates from the second posting on
(Posting online)
available from V6.4.945
Import BMD Lohn, split posting without contra account
(Data import/export)
Restriction surname from/to added
(Balance confirmation)
Tolerance amount and consider date of payment added, fields will be saved
(Automatic clearing)
Account current, consideration of expense accounts on creditors
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V6.4.944
Performance of import stack for debitors/creditors from MS-Excel increased
(Stack posting)
Print out, sort for tax code
(Account sheet)
Printout of the rights administration adapted
(Special programs)
available from V6.4.942
Modifications in the VB Factoring data export
(Data import/export)
Error on dissolve suspense input tax/turnover tax
(Automatic postings)
available from V6.4.941
Copy to client - balance / profit or loss classes
(Special programs)
Digits within the field account nr on search with 1,2,3, for matchcode enhanced to 20
available from V6.4.940
Import scheme, problem on display
available from V6.4.939
Set accounts to the highest indentation automatically
Open balance with cost centres, cost units
(Cost center accounting, Cost unit accounting)
Principal liability - employer number, HFU-list
(Money transfer, Accounts data, Company index)
Miscellaneous services from 01/2010
(Summarised report, Company index)
available from V6.4.938
Decimal places for divisor not correct
Output fiscal audit, export tax code 3 digits maximum
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V6.4.937
List type outgoings/incoming added
(Summarised report)
Activate/deactivate postings for the transfer
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.936
Euronews from the EuroFib directly active again
STS-formular, direct PDF-export + preview
Export to PDF - file extension
available from V6.4.934
Import stack from MS-Excel extended
(Stack posting)
Subscription for our newsletter from EuroFib for Windows
(System, My settings)
Liability report, special MS-Excel export adapted
(Open items)
available from V6.4.933
Suspension tax open, new choice: service date from/to
Apportionment entry adapted
STS croatia - new formular available
(STS, Company index)
Entry of the texts possible in Wordpad
(Overdue OI invoice)
available from V6.4.932
Summation of the columns
Specifications for selection fields
(Accounts data)
Online check of cost centre/cost unit
The window will open always
(Stack posting)
Export to MS Excel extended
(Basic data lists)
Changes on Interests/arrears account current
(Overdue OI invoice)
Basic data: goods, price valid from
Data export to Cognos available
(Data import/export)
Export to MS Excel extended
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.928
Service date and aliquotation overwritten by the voucher date
(Posting online)
Enhancement of the rights, role "administrator" added
Balance print out of another client, headline will be adapted
available from V6.4.927
Export DVO - flag of the transfered postings
(Data import/export)
Own default printer for invoice
(Invoice, My settings)
Footnote for cession 4-9 added
Detail certificate on reposting debitor to debitor incl. discount not correct
(Summarised report)
available from V6.4.926
Transfer invoices, invoice data within the current accounting year
Import of balance structure via MS Excel
Intercompany, search functions for accounts added
available from V6.4.925
Edit real accounts
(Stack posting)
Default export format
(My settings)
Copy from/to client, only new/changed debitors/creditors
available from V6.4.924
Rights for context menu
available from V6.4.922
Liability report, selection field added
(Open items)
Protocol print out on transfer of basic data
(Stack posting)
Delete expense indicator
(Accounts data, Money transfer)
available from V6.4.921
New parameter for batch interface, overwrite debitors/creditors/real accounts
(Stack posting, Special programs)
Aviso, printer symbol is working again
(Money transfer)
Edit, select/deselect all customers
available from V6.4.920
Change of position lines
Variables for Incoming sales/invoices ledger
(STS, Journals)
available from V6.4.919
Protocol - print out type of reminder
PDF-export incl. send e-mail added
Selection of unique found vouchers via *-search
(Account sheet)
Crash in creditors basic data on "save as" (copy of creditor)
(Accounts data)
Export not possible if targetfile is in use
available from V6.4.918
Manuel open balance with cost centres
(Posting online)
Print out of current screens available again
Definition Scheme, Printing lines on accounts check
available from V6.4.917
Final balance, postings of profit and loss accounts
(Automatic postings)
available from V6.4.916
Account number with 8 digits (Definition Scheme), print out type of account (Print Scheme)
available from V6.4.915
Development of balance - display of foreign currency amounts
(Open items, Account sheet)
Debitors/creditors - export to excel, credit limit added
(Balance lists)
available from V6.4.914
Restriction of pages on print out from preview
Handling of external voucher number and archive number on copy/cancel voucher
Printout of user rights revised
available from V6.4.912
Differentiation via process number available
available from V6.4.911
Begin valuta before voucher date, foreign currency code
(Posting online)
available from V6.4.910
Report - resctriction apportionment-level from/to on apportionment direct
available from V6.4.909
Check list available
Tax references - report of the existing tax accounts
(Basic data lists)
Import of cost centres (new record type 05) via textfile and MS Excel
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.908
Crystal Reports - direct call from EUROFIB
(System, Miscellaneous reports)
Crash on calculation of basic currency/foreign currency/exchange rate
(Posting online)
Blank pages on printout from the preview with A4 portrait format
Change options while selection exists
Edit of debtors/creditors possible
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.907
Check basic currency amount/foreign currency amount
(Posting online)
Deletion of single lines within a split posting
(Posting online)
available from V6.4.906
Create invoices, warning if date of order out of accounting year
Display due balance incorrect
(Open items)
Search function for Employees
(Vouchers pre-entry)
Import Stack, preview of data
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.905
Proposal of tax code from contra account
(Vouchers pre-entry)
available from V6.4.904
Change of split lines
(Posting online)
Restriction of date of creation + date of change on real accounts data
(Basic data lists)
Dissolve of exchange rates not possible anymore
(Open items)
Drag&Drop from OI => Screen to Payments => Edit
(Money transfer)
Message on import/export scheme
available from V6.4.903
Reminder via Crystal Reports
Voucher print from chash system via Crystal Reports
(Cash, Company index)
Copy from/to client, deduction of tax will be copied with tax codes
(STS, System, Company index)
STS-form 2009, revision tax office
(STS, Company index)
Clearing of vouchers, which already have an assignment, possible
(Posting online)
available from V6.4.902
General revision and added functionality within the vouchers pre-entry
(Vouchers pre-entry)
External voucher number and assignment number added
Evaluation of foreign currencies, fix setting of cost centre/cost unit doesn´t work correct
(Automatic postings)
New columns in incoming sales/invoices ledger added
(STS, Journals)
New delimiter on export client/import client
available from V6.4.850
Mandatory input on selection fields possible
(Accounts data)
available from V6.4.849
Crash on search for bank account (*-search)
(Account sheet, Open items, Posting online)
IntraStat, change accountlines
(Posting online, Account sheet)
Calculate gross amounts (control sum)
(Posting online)
New info-window available
(My settings, Miscellaneous reports)
available from V6.4.847
Basic data: goods, name for tax classes necessary
Confirmation message on abort of a split posting
(Posting online)
No entry with operating system Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.0 possible
STS form for Serbia available
available from V6.4.846
Logo - file type "All" and "JPEG" added
(Overdue OI invoice, Balance confirmation, Reminder)
Error on search with F4 on cost centre default/cost unit default
(Accounts data)
available from V6.4.845
Gross amounts for control sum
(Posting online)
Numbering for stacks
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.844
Edit, positionssplit for more than one accounts available
(Import bank statement)
New program "Accounts - Cost centres" available
(Cost center accounting)
Error message on missing cost centres wasn´t displayed on the protocol
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.843
Balance consolidation, OB wasn´t posted from the second client
available from V6.4.842
Balance consolidation, exchange of the profit and loss with a different rate
Costsplit within the edit screen is possible
(Import bank statement)
Consideration of internal or extarnal voucher number on input invoice number
(Posting online, Company index)
available from V6.4.841
Consideration of customer´s data is possible now
(Stack posting, Accounts data, Import bank statement, Company index)
Display of totallines/textlines within the search of balance struc./group struc. reactivated
(Accounts data, Balance)
Tax-/UID-number, check for uniqueness always done
(Accounts data)
available from V6.4.840
New interface to import DPW-Lohn
(Data import/export)
Possibility to log the changes of users incl. rights
available from V6.4.839
Edit, legend
(Import bank statement)
New useraction (red figure) with param. 4, display of status announcement on div. parameters
(Accounts data, Import bank statement)
Wrong format with protocol export on Microsoft Excel
(Special programs)
Import stack, xlsx-files (Microsoft Office 2007) are supported
(Stack posting)
available from V6.4.836
Printer selection deactivated
Copy of posting text
(Import bank statement)
Assignment on special parameter not correct
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.834
Automatic closing of the posting BKA-window
(Import bank statement)
Protocol "personal accounts with bank accounts"
(Money transfer)
Direct entry on tax account with tax code
Edit - sort for useraction, display of balance, selection of posting text
(Accounts data, Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.833
Entry of balance structure/group structure modified
(Accounts data)
available from V6.4.831
Preview: Display of the correct number of pages, Print out: Entry of the pagenumers possible
Consideration of the specifications of a real account
(Import bank statement)
CI-list, new sorting + new restriction
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V6.4.830
Input of a tax amount incl. check
(Posting online, My settings)
Calculation of the amounts within the edit effected too late
(Money transfer)
List after days into the past was incorrect
(Open items)
Bank statement number/bank statement format for MT940 available
(Accounts data, Import bank statement)
Export to excel, control of the path
STS form for Slovenia available
(STS, Company index)
Search for the active processes with F3
(Money transfer)
Status display not refreshed
(Import bank statement)
2 new parameters for the automatic assignment has been added
(Accounts data, Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.827
Clearance to one position from different programs possible
(Posting online, Cash, Import bank statement)
Selection of voucher type within the circular journal
Clearance - Allocation to a deficit not possible
(Posting online)
available from V6.4.826
New module - Intercompany (internal further charging)
Archive number has been added to the invoice module
(Company index, Invoice, Document management system)
Basic data: goods - copy to client
(System, Invoice)
available from V6.4.825
Apportionment direct available (no need of an own client anymore)
(Cost center accounting)
available from V6.4.823
Successful import, message + automatic close of the window
(Import bank statement)
Edit, Sort of the columns and proposal of the account on the amount search
(Import bank statement)
Protocol, type of sorting
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.822
Retrieve of data within the posting online
(Posting online)
Advice about activated multiselection
(Import bank statement)
Graphical representation of the differnt status values
(Import bank statement)
Added bank account default as inactive
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.821
Left-hand zeros of the cost center according to the definition weren´t proposed correct
(Posting online, Cost center accounting)
available from V6.4.820
Search within the text of the statement for the internal/external voucher nr of the open items
(Accounts data, Import bank statement)
Reverse postings incorrectly imported
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.819
Real accounts, proposal cost centre/cost unit as a result of net/gross
(Accounts data)
Screen, tabpage "Open items" - error on open balance display
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.818
Wrong calculation of the sum on equal amounts
(Import bank statement)
Display of vouchers not found in % and refresh of the import possible
(Import bank statement)
Output fiscal audit - new format for slovenia
(Miscellaneous reports)
available from V6.4.817
+-search, *-search, takeover of foreign currency amount + foreign currency code
(Posting online)
UN Edifact - Raiffeisen Elba, export of 14 textrows
(Money transfer)
Edit, add bank account
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.816
Proposal of accounting year enhanced on 2 digits
(Company index)
Performance problem at clearance fixed (matters only SQL server)
(System, Posting online)
Crash on saving of a new cost centre group
(Cost center accounting)
available from V6.4.815
Export BMD, reverse charge and acquisition tax
(Data import/export)
Screen, Print - Rights weren´t taken into consideration
(Cost unit accounting)
available from V6.4.814
Cost centre-/cost unit groups - double definitions
(Cost unit accounting, Cost center accounting)
Crystal Reports, selection of datatype: RPT-files
(STS, Company index)
Selection, Bug if no data is found
Cash basis accounting, change of expense/revenue accounts on change accountlines
(Posting online, Account sheet)
available from V6.4.813
New options for recalculation
New customer/goods statistic
Voucher date has to be in the current accounting year.
available from V6.4.812
Quantity proposal on basic data: goods
Setting for processnumber (check if entered)
(Money transfer, System)
Printout of the period on monthly advice
(Summarised report)
Entering of a tax agency per tax office
(STS, Company index)
Costsplit wasn´t posted correctly
(Posting online)
Edit, revision of banks
(Money transfer)
available from V6.4.811
Posting costs, costs on single entries
(Cost unit accounting, Cost center accounting)
BMD-export, selection of only new postings with booking year
(Data import/export)
Payment forms printout, reminder fee from reminder level 5 will be added
Cash basic accounting revised completely
(Stack posting, Posting online)
Edit, marking of 2 rows
available from V6.4.810
Payment on account, input of a foreign currency amount
(Money transfer)
available from V6.4.809
Data import RZL Lohn, leading-zeros on numeric cost centres
(Data import/export)
available from V6.4.808
BMD, export of reverse charge possible
(Data import/export)
Interests/arrears OI, respirodays on debitors/creditors
(Overdue OI invoice, Accounts data)
available from V6.4.807
Entry of an external voucher number possible
Option for a message on incoming invoices over 10.000 EUR within posting online
(Posting online, My settings)
Journal, compacting of splitt postings possible
Default text for telebanking on debitors/creditors
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
Edit, request process number
(Money transfer)
BMD payimport - mask revised, tax codes added
(Data import/export)
Print out, display errors in the layout fixed
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.805
Fixation of debit/credit proposal on voucher types
(Posting online, Company index)
Options batchimport, match of tables and columns
(Stack posting)
Negative tax on characteristic number 27/28 wasn´t printed correct
Prinout of the VAT-number on invoices for EU-countries
(Overdue OI invoice, Company index)
Aviso, from positions and text
(Money transfer, Accounts data)
Real accounts data, selection all/active/inactive
(Accounts data)
available from V6.4.803
Tax office online, tax office number with left-hand zeros
Protocol, total amount with allocation of vouchers not correct
(Import bank statement)
Edit, multiselection
(Import bank statement)
Change on debit/credit after entry of accountnumber
(Posting online)
Sign for home country/abroud on additional selection not correct
(Money transfer)
available from V6.4.802
Print out of other years possible
(Account sheet)
Transfer, from-to date
Print out of a total sheet with formular
Overdue OI, execution of an key date OI
(Overdue OI invoice, Open items)
available from V6.4.801
Check accounts for credit balance during the selection
Second closebutton (X) in the preview active
Templates revised and extended
Edit extended, display of the external voucher number + context menu
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.750
Edit, search will start immediately with #-limitation
(Import bank statement)
Tax office, problem to display the path of the STS-formular
(Company index)
Voucherdate after saving of a posting was marked blue
(Posting online)
Entry mask of total accounts over-worked
(Company index)
available from V6.4.749
Screen, cost centre, cost unit - entry mask revised generally
(Cost unit accounting, Cost center accounting)
Copy posting text
(Posting online)
Search for cost centre/cost unit
Debitors, creditors - messages didn´t get saved
(Accounts data)
Tax office, STS formular - field "filename" is protected
(Company index)
available from V6.4.748
Import, directory to the importfile will be opened automatically
(Import bank statement)
Split of cost center/cost unit inside posting online
(Posting online, Cost unit accounting, Cost center accounting)
Edit, statement number is displayed
(Import bank statement)
Consideration of a cash discount
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.747
Screen, limitation foreign currencies added
(Account sheet)
Additional informations on the edit positions screen available
(Import bank statement)
"amounts in" on currency conversion failed to display on some lists
Edit, automatic limitation for amount from-to
(Import bank statement)
Extension - field allocation number
(Account sheet)
available from V6.4.745
New parameter, put the first 20 positions from the posting text into the assignment number
(Import bank statement)
available from V6.4.744
Cession, definition of a standard cession possible
(Stack posting, Accounts data)
available from V6.4.743
STS-formular in crystal reports available
Open balance correction entry - posting on the original summaray account
(Automatic postings)
Interests/arrears OI - displayed sum in the header incorrect
(Open items)
Partial payment, check amount
(Money transfer)
available from V6.4.741
Text input for *-Search - no difference between lowercase or uppercase
(Posting online, Open items, Account sheet)
Windows-XP Style - size of the windows
Print open items - sum for external voucher number
(Open items)
Close EUROFIB - confirmation
(System, My settings)
Period for "display accountsheet" from posting online for real accounts definable
(Posting online, My settings)
New attribute in cession added - printed on open item list
(Open items, Accounts data)
Stored procedures for ORACLE available - it concerns only user with ORACLE-database
available from V6.4.739
Confirmation of UID-number, field "name2" will be printed if field "form of address" is empty
(Summarised report)
available from V6.4.738
Batch protocol, Print on default printer if file-export fails
(Stack posting)
UID-Nr/tax numbers from personal accounts - check if number is unique
(Accounts data, Company index