Basic packet

EuroFib is optimally usable for small as well as large enterprises. Through the modular design, the program "grows" with them so to speak.

  • Operation. Practice-oriented activity with EuroFib is guaranteed due to our long-established experience in the development of commercial software as well as direct customer contact with the programming department. For example, drilldown to to document level, document trace, search functions (parts of the address, document number, amount, ...)
  • Standard functions. With the basic packet, you get all the standard functions necessary to carry out proper accounting. For example, preparation of account statements, balance list, tax returns (forms and online)
  • Analyses. The basic packet also includes all of the tools enabling export of your analyses to PDF, MS Excel, and the like. This way, analyses can be sent directly by mail or lists for each arbitrary due date can be created with the relevant parameters as needed.

  • Extensions. Further functions, like foreign currency and mixed accounts, OP management incl. subject area, and the like, can be activated as needed.